The project aims to meet the need of specialized assistance throughout the entire asylum procedure by providing legal counselling and advice for asylum seekers who are registered with the General Inspectorate for Immigration/Directorate for Asylum and Immigration in the six reception centres. This often represents the only free specialized legal support asylum seekers have.
Through this project we have organized trainings to improve the level of expertise of lawyers / legal counsellors and interpreters working in the field of asylum. This initiative was motivated by the need to improve the general framework of the asylum procedure and to make available specialized assistance in the area.
The overall objectives of the project consist of:
• improving the language and legal assistance in order to efficiently, legally, fairly get through the refugee status determination procedure.
• improving the quality of legal assistance provided to asylum seekers in order to ensure the full respect of human rights
To achieve these objectives, the project proposed a series of activities aimed to cover legal counselling and specific assistance for asylum seekers.
A special emphasis was placed on the assistance granted to asylum seekers belonging to vulnerable groups as listed in Directive 2013/33/EU of the European Parliament and Council (Article 21) setting standards for the reception of the applicants to international protection.
We developed and translated into several languages informative leaflets on:
• the asylum procedure
• rights and obligations during the RSD procedure
• the Dublin procedure
• access to a new asylum procedure.
The target group of this project is represented by foreign citizens or stateless persons who have expressed the intention to obtain a form of protection in Romania, as long as their application has not been solved through an irrevocable decision as well as persons who received an irrevocable decision of rejection of the asylum application for which the Law 122/2006 provides legal remedies.
Project`s funders: the European Community through the General Programme “Solidarity and Management of Migratory Flows”, ERF Annual Program 2007- 2013, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020 and the General Inspectorate for Immigration